How long does it take to deliver my order?

We provide free delivery in Ulm & Neu-Ulm, Germany & within radius of 15 km for the orders of 30 Euros

How can I get information of my order?

You can fill “contact us” form with a order number in it and we will get back to you.

How secured is online shopping & Is my data protected?

At Amazing India, all customer data is kept secure and confidential.
All the credit card transactions are handled by a secure payment gateways & paypal.

Can I change my order?

Once the order has been placed, you can still change your order within 2 hour by writing to us at

What is the status of my order?

Once you have placed an online order, you will receive a confirmation email from us, letting you know that we have received your order. After order processing, you will receive another email .